Random Rants in Miniature Headline Animator


November 26, 2013

Crazy Shit I Just Thought Of

This is a blog about shit I just think up. I don't promise that it will all be cohesive or on topic, but that's exactly the purpose of this blog.  My other work, The Ranting! is for the more fully developed and extensive ideas that I need to share with the world, so if that's what you're looking for, enjoy my other blog.

Random idea:  Why is there no real way to independently study and learn about things while being able to apply the same knowledge as a college degree holder?

This bothers me, really, as I know I am not the only person in the world that has taken the quest for knowledge of their own volition.  I couldn't afford to get an education from any accredited institutions, because of some weird paradox involving financial aid eligibility and my residence in a state not being verifiable, though I was born there and had been living there for over 10 years after returning from living elsewhere.

I read vast amounts of information on nearly everything I can get my hands on. My favorites are namely cosmology, astrophysics, particle physics, chemistry, microbiology, mathematics, and mostly other hard sciences with a small sampling of sociology, psychology and religion's effects on people as individuals and groups.  There is more out there than I can possibly ever learn, specifically in any (and definitely true of all) of the aforementioned subjects.

Next idea:  What is the funniest thing on the internet right now?

Creationists. Seriously, hilarious are the great many things they say trying to look smart.  The 6000 year old universe (remember it all came into existence during that amazing week) magically was spoken into existence in a haphazard way that would cause everything to die because God forgot his order of operations (in math it's PEMDAS, you know?). Plants a day or two before sunlight? Light before stars? Water separated into not on the earth (above it) and the water on the surface? Seriously, whoever wrote these things down must have been laughing so hard when he got other people to believe it. It had to be a joke then, because it's still laughable now.
The universe as described by Genesis 1, a hilarious thought indeed.

I think this is enough for the first installment, let me know what you think and what you want my random thoughts about.

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